Hello, WoG community! I am calling all artists to design a World of Gamerz logo! The logo can be large or small, and the only rules are no pornography, racism, or religion-centered images. By religion-centered I mean, no Jesus, God, Satan, etc. You may draw devils/angels. Theres are 3 winning categories, and no second or third places in the contest, however everybody gets a reward and everybody's logo will be used for something. The judging will be conducted by DarkShadowSaint and (If he agrees) Rgk_Bloodhowl. YOU MAY USE PICTURES, BUT THE MAJORITY MUST BE DRAWN AND CREATED BY YOU! If somebody helps you, you must give credits and you can earn/lose points. The three categories for winner are:
Best Quality
Reward: +100 Reputation, Title "Quality Artist"
Best Animation
This means that you draw a bunch of videogame/TV Anim
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