Stealth Archer (PvP)
Marksman (Ranged DPS)
Guerilla Fighter (PvP) Assassinate
Must be in stealth, and be behind the target, deals [x]% damage and is a critical hit.
Leg Shot
Shoots the enemys leg dealing [x]% damage and knocks the user down and impairs movement for [x] seconds.
Head Shot
Deals a lethal blow to an enemy dealing 500% weapon damage, 5 second cast.
Smoke bomb
Throws a smoke bomb where you stand, while in the cloud of smoke you can go into stealth even if you are in combat.
Increases movement speed by 100% and increases cast speed by 15% for 5 seconds.
Allows the stealth archer to become invisible, using any attacks or abilities will cancel Stealth.
Sniper Shot
Deals [x] damage.
Long Shot
Long range shot.
Quick Shot
Instantly fires an extra arrow.
Shoots 3 arrows simultaneously.
Heavy Bolts
Raises the damage of the next attack by [x]% stacks up to 5 times.
Amplified Shot
Each second casting this spell will cause the next attack to hit [x]% more per stack, stacks up to [x] times, lasts [x] seconds.
Explosive Shot
Deals [x] damage to main target and [x] damage to all nearby enemies.
Death Shot
Shoots an arrow with killing intent dealing [x] damage.
Net Trap
Immobilizes the target which triggers this trap for 3 seconds.
Frost Trap
Deals [x] damage to the all nearby targets and reduces their movement speed by [x]%.
Pressure Point Jab
Jabs the targets pressure points stunning them for [x] seconds.
Explosive Trap
Deals [x] damage in a large area.