Gladiator Talents Tier 1
Reduces player damage taken by [x]%.
Increases the damage of Mutilate by [x]%.
Armor Breaker
Increases armor penetration by [x]%.
Tier 2
Finishing Moves
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by [x]%.
Rank One
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 10%.
Rank Two
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 20%.
Rank Three
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 30%.
Heroic Rush
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by [x]% for [x] seconds.
Rank One
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 15% for 10 seconds.
Rank Two
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds.
Rank Three
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 45% for 10 seconds.
Tier 3
Gives [x]% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by [x]%.
Rank One
Gives 1% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 5%.
Rank Two
Gives 2% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 10%.
Rank Three
Gives 3% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 15%.
Rank Four
Gives 4% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 20%.
Rank Five
Gives 5% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 25%.
Rank Six
Gives 6% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by [x]%.
Adrenaline Rush
Instantly refreshes all cooldowns.
Tier 4
Death Marked
Each of your attacks places a charge of Death Marked onto your target, each charge reduces defense by [x] and once [x] stacks have been stacked the target receives [x] damage.
Concussive Blow
Deals [x] damage and stuns the target for [x] seconds.
Achilles’ Heel
Deals [x] damage to surrounding targets and locks their movements.
Tier 5
Increases damage dealt by 15% For 15 seconds but reduces your defense by 10%.
No Escape
Achilles Heels now also silences targets.
Deal 65% more damage for 10 seconds but you die after.