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RgK_BloodHowlDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-16, 2:19 AM | Message # 1
"Bloodhowl the Powerful"
Group: Administrators
Messages: 117
Awards: 3
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Blademaster (Melee DPS)
Gladiator (PvP)
Vanguard (Tank)


Deals [x] damage to a single target.

Battle Cry
Increases attack power of nearby allies by [x].

Transcendent Edge
Deals [x] damage to a single target.

Ultimate Fury
Unleashes all rage to hit the target for [x] amount of damage per rage point.

Deals [x] damage to all nearby targets.

Heart Attack
Deals double normal damage to a row of targets. All hit by it will be paralyzed for [X] seconds.

Fatal Flaw
20% chance to kill a single target instantly. Failure to kill instantly will double current rage points and deal 1/10 normal damage x number of rage points. Does not work against bosses or players.

Forces the enemy player to drop their weapon for [x] seconds.

Adrenaline Rush
Instantly refreshes all cooldowns.

Deals [x] damage over [x] seconds to a single target.

Closes the distance to the enemy and deals [x] damage on contact.

Death Blow
Deals [x] damage to a single target, can only be used when the target’s HP is below [x]%.

Throat Slitter
Deals ½ normal damage to targets 5 meters away and silences them. Failure to silence targets will add [X] rage points.

Achilles’ Heel
Deals [x] damage to surrounding targets and attempts to lock their movements.

Throat Slitter
Deals ½ normal damage to targets 5 meters away and silences them.

Concussive Blow
Deals [x] damage and stuns the target for [x] seconds.

Flash Draw
Deals [x] damage to up to [x] targets, causes a large amount of threat.

Decreases the attack power of nearby enemies by [x].

Forces the target enemy to attack the warrior, has no effect on enemy players.

Threatening Roar
Forces all nearby enemies to attack you, no effect on enemy players.

Wings of the Blade
Deals [x] damage to up to [x] targets, causes a large amount of threat.

Shock Wave
Deals [x] damage in a line and stuns for [x] seconds

Unstoppable Will
The warrior will not go under 1hp for [x] amount of seconds after casting this spell.

He died with tears in his heart, but none on his eyes – nobody taught him how to cry. - Umbra's Biography
RgK_BloodHowlDate: Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 0:41 AM | Message # 2
"Bloodhowl the Powerful"
Group: Administrators
Messages: 117
Awards: 3
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Blademaster Talents

Tier 1

Improved Slash
Increases critical strike chance of your Slash ability by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases critical strike chance of your Slash ability by 3%.

Rank Two
Increases critical strike chance of your Slash ability by 6%.

Blade Mastery
Increases your weapon damage by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases your weapon damage by 3%.

Rank Two
Increases your weapon damage by 6%.

Rank Three
Increases your weapon damage by 9%.

Rank Four
Increases your weapon damage by 12%.

Rank Five
Increases your weapon damage by 15%.

Lethal Blows
Increases your critical strike chance by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases your critical strike chance by 1%.

Rank Two
Increases your critical strike chance by 2%.

Rank Three
Increases your critical strike chance by 3%.

Rank Four
Increases your critical strike chance by 4%.

Tier 2

Veteran of the Fall of Light
Increases your strength and stamina by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases your strength and stamina by 3%.

Rank Two
Increases your strength and stamina by 6%.

Rank Three
Increases your strength and stamina by 9%.

Transcendent Edge
Learns the spell “Transcendent Edge”.

Tier 3

Transcendent Strength
Increases strength by [x]% and increases the damage of Slash and Transcendent Edge by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases strength by 1% and increases the damage of Slash and Transcendent Edge by 5%.

Rank Two
Increases strength by 2% and increases the damage of Slash and Transcendent Edge by 10%.

Rank Three
Increases strength by 3% and increases the damage of Slash and Transcendent Edge by 15%.

Fatal Flaw
20% chance to kill a single target instantly. Failure to kill instantly will double current rage points and deal 1/10 normal damage x number of rage points. Does not work against bosses or players.

Tier 4

Heart Attack
Deals 200% weapon damage in a line. All hit by it will be incapacitated for [X] seconds.

Tier 5

Fatal Wound
Whenever Fatal Flaw is activated against a boss or player they will take [x] damage instantly and [x] damage over [x] seconds.

He died with tears in his heart, but none on his eyes – nobody taught him how to cry. - Umbra's Biography
RgK_BloodHowlDate: Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 0:41 AM | Message # 3
"Bloodhowl the Powerful"
Group: Administrators
Messages: 117
Awards: 3
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Gladiator Talents

Tier 1

Reduces player damage taken by [x]%.

Increases the damage of Mutilate by [x]%.

Armor Breaker
Increases armor penetration by [x]%.

Tier 2

Finishing Moves
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 10%.

Rank Two
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 20%.

Rank Three
Increases the critical strike chance of Death Blow by 30%.

Heroic Rush
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by [x]% for [x] seconds.

Rank One
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 15% for 10 seconds.

Rank Two
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds.

Rank Three
Charge now reduces the target’s movement speed by 45% for 10 seconds.

Tier 3

Gives [x]% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by [x]%.

Rank One
Gives 1% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 5%.

Rank Two
Gives 2% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 10%.

Rank Three
Gives 3% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 15%.

Rank Four
Gives 4% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 20%.

Rank Five
Gives 5% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by 25%.

Rank Six
Gives 6% chance on dealing damage to allow one Death Blow to be used regardless of the target’s current HP, also increases the damage of Death Blow by [x]%.

Adrenaline Rush
Instantly refreshes all cooldowns.

Tier 4

Death Marked
Each of your attacks places a charge of Death Marked onto your target, each charge reduces defense by [x] and once [x] stacks have been stacked the target receives [x] damage.

Concussive Blow
Deals [x] damage and stuns the target for [x] seconds.

Achilles’ Heel
Deals [x] damage to surrounding targets and locks their movements.

Tier 5

Increases damage dealt by 15% For 15 seconds but reduces your defense by 10%.

No Escape
Achilles Heels now also silences targets.

Deal 65% more damage for 10 seconds but you die after.

He died with tears in his heart, but none on his eyes – nobody taught him how to cry. - Umbra's Biography
RgK_BloodHowlDate: Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 0:41 AM | Message # 4
"Bloodhowl the Powerful"
Group: Administrators
Messages: 117
Awards: 3
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Vanguard Talents

Tier 1

Increases defense bonus from items by [x]%.

Rank One

Rank Two

Rank Three

Increases stamina by [x]%.

Rank One

Rank Two

Rank Three

Shield Mastery
Increases the block value while using shields by [x]%.

Rank One

Rank Two

Tier 2

Increases threat generation by [x]%.

Rank One
Increases threat generation by 10%.

Rank Two
Increases threat generation by 20%.

Rank Three
Increases threat generation by 30%.

Rank Four
Increases threat generation by 40%.

Rank Five
Increases threat generation by 50%.

Rank Six
Increases threat generation by 60%.

Deadly Draws
Increases damage done by Flash Draw by [x]%.

Tier 3

Shield Slam
Gives you a [x]% chance to do [x] damage after blocking an attack.

Wings of the Blade
Learn Wings of the Blade.

Tier 4

Overload Principle
Increases attack power by [x]% of defense.

Defensive Combat
Increases your chance to trigger Shield Slam by [x]%.

Shock Wave
Deals [x] damage in a line and stuns for [x] seconds

Tier 5

Infernal Plate
Damages all nearby enemies for [x] damage per second as well as reflecting [x]% of melee damage by at the attacker.

Unstoppable Will
The warrior will not go under 1 HP for [x] seconds after casting this spell.

He died with tears in his heart, but none on his eyes – nobody taught him how to cry. - Umbra's Biography
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