To see where they are on the map, make a new tab and go to Fan/Creator Art. The map is there. Tan - The Athierians/Athierian Alliance
Grey - Sivlspikians/Sivlspike
Dark Green - Gorheriaks/Gortherakan
Light Green - Celnoriaks/Celnorak
Light Blue/Blue - Temotaics/Terrotamia
Dark Blue/Blue - Bariseans/Barisea
Redish-Purple - Merothemini/Other Tribes/Antist's Steppes
Bluish-Green - Norse/Safravanium
Pink - Ramathian Settlers/Ethimistaria
Red - Safravanians/Falthrin Isles
Purple - Native Tribes/Serenians/Edenakamia
Teal - Great Korthanian Isles
Brown - Merothemini/Other Tribes/Western Steppes
N/A - Emirman's Reef