If you want to create a tutorial, you must follow these rules.
1: Your tutorial should be written in English. Any tutorial in any other languages will be removed. 2: Your tutorial name SHOULD be like this: (Difficulity Level)Tutorial Name
Difficlity levels are Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
3: You must describe everything clearly.
4: If any other tutorials are needed for this topic, You must list them at the top of the tread.
5: You must list all the tools which are used in your tutorial. Also telling people where they can find them.
BRAVO Tutorials - BRAVO Tutorials must include the rules above + be step by step + have pictures of your step by step mod + Have the ending (BRAVO DifficultyLevel) Tutorial Name, if you do you will have a chance to increase rep by 100, rank by 2, and be advanced to the Moderators group.
Your topic will be locked or removed if you do not follow these rules.